2025 Sea to Ski Triathlon
Saturday, March 29th @ 1 p.m.
Run-Bike-Ski Triathlon from the Ocean to the Slopes.
Do it all yourself, or grab some friends and form a team. Want to race? Go FAST!! Want to just have fun? Go SLOW! We have lots of participants just out to enjoy.
OR Signup to Volunteer! Reach out to kachemaknordicskiclub@gmail.com if you can help out.
Run: 5km - Mariner Park to West Homer Elementary
Bike: 7km - Up West Hill across Highland to Roger's Loop
Ski: 5km - Roger's Loop (route TBD on snow conditions) - Finish at DOT trailhead planned
Register Before 6pm March 28th -
Ironman/Iron Woman
$20 for KNSC Members /$30 Non-members/$5 off for Students
Team Members:
$15 for KNSC Members /$20 Non-members/$5 off for Students
Register After 6pm March 28th - Noon on Day of Race Registration:
Ironman/Iron Woman
$30 for KNSC Members/$40 Non-members/$5 off for Students
Team Members:
$20 for KNSC Members /$30 Non-members/$5 off for Students
**In order to promote ski events on the Peninsula this event will allow KNSC member pricing for Sister clubs: Tsalteshi Trails Members, Seward Nordic Ski Club members, Homer Running Club, and Homer Cycling Club
USE COUPON CODE: (KPS2S-25) for Sister Club savings of $10 off non-member registration
USE COUPON CODE: (S2SStudent-25) for Student savings of $5 off
All participants will be required to sign a waiver. MINORS WILL BE REQUIRED TO HAVE A PARENT SIGN THE WAIVER FOR THEM TO PARTICIPATE. Bicyclists will be required to wear helmets. One bike only, no switching mid-course. There will be a REQUIRED race meeting at 12:30 to go over safety rules and the race will start at 1:00.
The course will consist of a 5 km (3 mi) run from Mariner Park to Homer Middle School; a 7 km (4 mi) mountain bike ride from Homer Middle School up West Hill, across Highland and Sprucewood Drives to the Roger's Loop trail head; and a 5 km (3 mi) ski route which will depend upon the snow conditions. Distances are approximate. The Chief of Course reserves the right to modify the last leg depending upon snow conditions.
Teams will consist of three members or the complete course can be done by one individual (APRIL FOOL STYLE). An individual can not also be on a team. Team categories will be men, women, and mixed.
There will be Awards immediately following the race.
Course Notes: Still TBD depending on conditions and weather, but last year’s course is below!
START/Run: 5 km – Mariner Park (at base of spit) to West Homer Elementary School
Run from Mariner Park to West Homer Elementary staying on the south side of the road until the crosswalk at the HERC/ Middle School where there will be a crossing guard. The run will then continue on the northside sidewalk to WHE where the run/bike transition happens. Water/gatorade and small snack available.
Bike: 7 km – Up West Hill Rd. – Across Highland Dr. to the Roger’s Loop Trailhead (helmets required, one bike only - no switches midcourse)
Stage Bikes on the lawn in front of WHE 12-1. The bikes leave WHE and take a right onto Soundview, then turn left onto Shelley (the stop sign) and Robert Drives (the first left) to connect over to West Hill road. Bikes will go up West Hill on the right side of the road until Highland where it will cross and head over to Sprucewood and onto Roger's Loop where the bike/ski transition happens. Water/gatorade/juice and small snack available.
West Homer to West Hill Detail
Ski: 5 km – Roger’s Loop to DOT Trailhead Finish
Stage Skis on side of Trail going down the hill at Roger’s Loop 12-1.
~4.4km - Roger's Loop down and across the 1 km cutoff, Thru the Woods, around Raven's Way (counterclockwise), and up the Woodcutter's trail to the stadium finish at the DOT parking lot.
Finish: Awards will be presented as finishers come in this year at DOT stadium. Fire to warm up; water, gatorade and light snacks available before you head home.
All participants and volunteers will be entered in a drawing for a few door prizes will happen afterwards. Winners will be contacted.